St. Paul’s High School - Winnipeg Manitoba

The Richardson Gymnasium is situated in the Paul Albrechtsen Multiplex, a large multi-use sports facility that can hold in excess of 1800 people. Apart from inter-school competitions and student sports and training, the gymnasium is home to school convocation exercises and a host of other related activities.

There is a challenge in providing a Covid risk mitigation solution in vast indoor spaces such as in an auditorium or in this case, a gymnasium. Standalone air purifiers or the building’s own filter system located in the rooftop air handler cannot manage to capture nor destroy harmful airborne or surface-dwelling contaminants in an effective way.

Safe Haven Air Technologies assessed the usage, loading factors, and HVAC system to determine the appropriate number of in-duct air purification systems to meet the full capacity demands that occur during the school year.

HALO-LED air purification units were placed throughout the air supply ducts providing non-chemical oxidizers which are carried throughout the entire gymnasium area neutralizing both airborne and surface-dwelling contaminants on contact. The technology can be scaled to fit the need therefore building size is not a factor. Tested and proven to neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 surrogate and a host of other harmful pathogens, users of this facility and the Cass gym in St. Paul’s High School can carry on with their everyday activities in a much safer environment.         


Ontario Tech University - Oshawa Ontario


Thorvaldson Care Centre - Winnipeg Manitoba